Monday, November 23, 2009

Good Morning Everyone!

It is 7:45ish in the morning as I write this, so many of you are actually heading to bed soon. That still seems weird to me.

This weekend I was in Rakai, a district of towns in south-eastern Uganda. I was in Kibaale, a town very near the Tanzanian border (I saw the border, I think, when we hiked up a big hill). The purpose of this trip was to visit the Kibaale Community Center which is run by 5 Canadian missionaries and a whole bunch of Ugandans. It is a really neat place. They have 2 primary schools (K-7) and a secondary school. They also just recently opened a clinic that treats a wide range of medical needs, and they have a sponsorship program for kids in the community. Overall, a pretty great place with really great people!

While at the community center we did a lot of hanging out and relaxing… because for the first time our program didn’t pack our weekend full of speakers and events. They gave us lots of free time in a beautiful place. So we read, and chatted about lots of things, and climbed a big hill, and played really strange games. I could tell that we had been together a lot at this point, because we talked about such a range of subjects, ranging from casual stories to more intimate questions. It was fun to realize how close we are. And then I got a little scared because it dawns on me again and again that I am leaving in just 3 weeks, and will no longer be surrounded by them everyday. And I don’t know what I will do with that. But one thing I have been learning the past 3 months is that it isn’t my job to guard my heart, that is God’s job and he does it really well. Even though that leaves me feeling open and vulnerable to pain and wounding, I am learning that it is actually better this way then keeping all the pain and hurt far away from me. So I am trying to remain here, in Uganda, with my friends in my heart and mind and not worry about what I will do when they are all gone. However, I still do a little… or a lot. I could use prayer in this area.

Also, I am hitting finals time! And while I don’t have any exams, I have about 8 papers due in the next two-ish weeks. Yikes! So please pray that I will be disciplined and inspired and will get them done! And that I will be able to balance papers with my social life and time alone.

That’s all for now!

Love to all!

Oh, P.S. pictures will come later in the camera broke so I am taking them from other people.


  1. what a wonderful weekend!! time with God and His people. ahhhh.

    i will be praying for you, your heart, your mind, as you approach the end of this chapter of your life. live it to the fullest. love you!

  2. Hi Joy! I commented on phacebuk but now i am here! Love you! What happened to your camera? Big Kiss! Muawh!
